Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
1.1 The primary aim of Teaching Tomorrow Ltd.’s safeguarding policy is to ensure that all children and vulnerable adults who are in contact with our contractors are safe and protected from harm.
1.2 This policy will provide clear guidance to our staff and contractors regarding their safeguarding responsibilities in the provision of services to children and vulnerable adults.
1.3 Teaching Tomorrow Ltd acknowledges its role in safeguarding vulnerable individuals and is committed to supporting contractors in fulfilling their safeguarding obligations.
1.4 This policy is applicable to all staff and contractors providing services through Teaching Tomorrow Ltd.
Teaching Tomorrow Ltd.’s safeguarding policy is based on the Department for Education’s statutory guidance, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018. We are committed to complying with this guidance and following the procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board and Adults Board for the area where our contractors provide their services.
In addition to this, our policy is based on the following legislation and guidance to ensure the highest level of safeguarding:
The Children Act 1989 (including the 2004 amendment), which provides a framework for the care and protection of children.
The Care Act 2014, which provides a framework for the care and protection of adults.
The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974Schedule 4 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused, a guide published by the Department for Education (March 2015)
We regularly review and update our policy to ensure that it remains in line with current legislation and guidance.
At Teaching Tomorrow Ltd, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults is of the utmost importance to us. This means taking action to protect children and vulnerable adults from maltreatment, preventing impairment of their health or development, and ensuring they have the best possible outcomes.
Abuse is a form of maltreatment that can occur in a family, institutional, or community setting. It may involve inflicting harm on an adult or child or failing to act to prevent harm. This harm can take many forms and may be inflicted by an adult or another child.
Neglect is a form of abuse and involves the persistent failure to meet a child or vulnerable adult’s basic physical and/or psychological needs. This failure can result in serious impairment of their health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy because of maternal substance abuse. It may involve a parent or caregiver failing to provide adequate food, clothing, and shelter, protect from physical and emotional harm, ensure adequate supervision, or ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. Neglect can also include a failure to respond to a child or vulnerable adult’s basic emotional needs.
We understand the importance of recognising the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect, and the responsibility we must report any concerns promptly to the relevant authorities. We provide our staff and contractors with appropriate training and support to ensure they are equipped to identify and respond to any safeguarding concerns.
4.1 At Teaching Tomorrow Ltd, we firmly believe that the welfare of children and vulnerable adults is of paramount importance, as enshrined in the Children Act 1989. It is our duty to ensure that the contractors who work with our service users maintain an ethos that is focused on their safety and security.
4.2 We recognise that safeguarding children is a shared responsibility, and our contractors can play a significant role in identifying concerns and reporting them promptly. Our contractors are expected to act in the best interests of the child when they have concerns about their welfare.
4.3 We provide comprehensive training to all our staff, including contractors, to equip them with the necessary skills to respond to concerns relating to the welfare of service users. This includes training on how to record and report such concerns.
4.4 We are committed to working in partnership with colleagues from other agencies to ensure that our safeguarding responsibilities are met. Our approach is fully in line with the requirements set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 and the relevant Safeguarding Children and Adults Board procedures.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs):
Stephen Belcher: (
Victoria Shulman (
5.1 All members of staff and contractors have a responsibility to always uphold this safeguarding policy and work in a way that prioritises the welfare and safety of all children and vulnerable adults.
5.2 Designated Safeguarding Lead at Teaching Tomorrow Ltd is accountable for ensuring the effectiveness of this policy and ensuring compliance with it.
5.3 The Designated Safeguarding Lead is responsible for the following:
Ensuring the safeguarding policy is reviewed annually, available to all involved in implementing it, and written in line with statutory guidance.
Designating a manager to lead safeguarding issues, including providing advice on managing allegations procedures related to contractors.
Providing all staff with an induction and a copy of this policy.
Ensuring all staff undertake appropriate safeguarding training for their role.
Implementing safer recruitment practices to prevent candidates who may pose a risk to children or vulnerable adults.
Addressing any weaknesses in safeguarding arrangements brought to their attention without delay.
Ensuring staff feel able to raise concerns about poor or unsafe practice and that these concerns are addressed sensitively in accordance with agreed whistle-blowing procedures.
Liaising with the Designated Officer for the Local Authority (commonly known as ‘LADO’) in the event of an allegation of abuse being made against a member of staff whose role involves working with children.
5.4 The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is responsible for leading on safeguarding issues at Teaching Tomorrow Ltd in accordance with responsibilities outlined in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.
5.5 The DSL will provide safeguarding advice and support to other staff, and all concerns regarding a child or adult’s safety or welfare will be reported to the DSL.
5.6 The DSL and/or a deputy will always be available for staff to discuss any safeguarding concerns. If the DSL is not available in person, they will be accessible via telephone or any other relevant media.
5.7 The DSL will liaise with Police, Adults or Children’s Services where necessary and make referrals of suspected abuse.
5.8 The DSL will maintain written records of all safeguarding concerns, ensuring they are kept confidential and stored securely.
5.9 The DSL is responsible for ensuring all staff members (and volunteers) are aware of the policy and the procedure they need to follow.
5.10 The DSL will provide advice and guidance to staff on issues relating to allegations made about a contractor working with children or vulnerable adults.
6.1 Upon joining Teaching Tomorrow Ltd, all new staff will be given a copy of our safeguarding policy and introduced to our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). It is expected that all staff will read and familiarise themselves with this policy.
6.2 During the induction period, new staff will receive training that covers key information about managing allegations, recording, and reporting procedures, and the responsibilities of the DSL. They will also be provided with guidance on how to respond appropriately to concerns regarding candidates. This training is essential to ensure that all staff members are equipped with the necessary knowledge to safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.
6.3 Temporary staff and volunteers will also receive a copy of our safeguarding policy and be informed of our DSLs, as well as the process for recording and reporting concerns.
6.4 At Teaching Tomorrow Ltd, we place great importance on staying up to date with local and national safeguarding advice and guidance. We encourage all staff members to access relevant information provided by their local Safeguarding Children and Adults boards.
6.5 Our DSL will undergo appropriate training to ensure they are able to effectively manage allegations relating to contractors and safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults who come to the attention of Teaching Tomorrow Ltd.
7.1 Teaching Tomorrow Ltd will adhere to safeguarding procedures that have been agreed locally with Local Authority Safeguarding Children and Adults Boards where our contractors provide services.
7.2 All staff are encouraged to report and record any worries and concerns that they have to our DSL and not see these as insignificant. A report is justified by a single incident such as an injury related to a safeguarding concern or a disclosure of abuse. It is crucial that staff record and pass on worries and concerns in accordance with this policy to allow the relevant authorities to build up a picture and intervene with support at the earliest opportunity. A reliance on memory without accurate and contemporaneous records of concern could lead to a failure to protect.
7.3 It is not the responsibility of staff to investigate concerns or determine the truth of any disclosure or allegation. All staff, however, have a duty to recognise concerns and pass the information on in accordance with the procedures outlined in this policy.
7.4 The DSL should be used as a first point of contact for worries, concerns, and queries regarding any safeguarding concerns that they become aware of in the course of their work at Teaching Tomorrow Ltd. Any member of staff who receives a disclosure of abuse or suspects that a child or vulnerable adult is at risk of harm must report it immediately to the DSL. In the absence of a DSL, the matter should be brought to the attention of a Senior member of staff.
7.5 All concerns about a vulnerable adult, child or young person should be reported without delay and recorded in writing using the agreed procedures.
7.6 Following receipt of any information raising concern, the DSL will consider what action to take. All information and actions taken, including the reasons for any decisions made, will be fully documented.
7.7 The DSL will decide whether to make a referral to the Police, Adults or Children’s Services when there are safeguarding concerns.
7.8 If a referral to Adults or Children’s Services has not met the threshold for support or statutory intervention, the DSL will make a full written record of the decision and outcome.
7.9 If, at any point, there is a risk of immediate serious harm to an adult or a child, a referral should be made to the Police immediately. Anybody can make a referral.
7.10 Staff should always follow the reporting procedures outlined in this policy in the first instance. However, they may also share information directly with Children’s Services, Adult’s Services, or the Police if: The situation is an emergency, and the DSLs are all unavailable; They are convinced that a direct report is the only way to ensure the adult or child’s safety.
7.11 Any member of staff who does not feel that concerns about a child or vulnerable adult have been responded to appropriately and in accordance with the procedures outlined in this policy should raise their concerns with the Designated Safeguarding Lead. If any member of staff does not feel the situation has been addressed appropriately at this point, they should contact Adults Services or Children’s Services directly with their concerns.
7.12 At Teaching Tomorrow Ltd we recognise that our staff may be placed to identify concerns to prevent individuals from becoming victims of so-called ‘honour-based’ violence (HBV). If staff have a concern regarding an adult or child that might be at risk of HBV they should inform the DSL who will liaise with Police and the relevant Adults Services / Children’s Services.
7.13 We recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation and extremism is no different to safeguarding against any other form of vulnerability. Teaching Tomorrow Ltd, we will ensure that:
The DSL has received relevant training and will act as the point of contact for any concerns relating to radicalisation and extremism of staff or contractors.
The DSL will make referrals to adults and/or Children’s Services and will represent our organisation at meetings as required.
8.1 If staff are concerned about the welfare or safety of any child or adult that they have information about at Teaching Tomorrow Ltd they will record their concern on the agreed reporting procedure. Any worries or concerns should be passed to the DSL without delay.
8.2 Any information recorded will be kept in a secure cabinet or electronically. These files will be the responsibility of the DSL. This information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis in the adults or child’s best interests and on the understanding that it remains strictly confidential.
8.3 Consent will always be sought when sharing personal information with other agencies unless to do so is deemed to increase the risk to that individual.
9.1 At Teaching Tomorrow Ltd we will use the recruitment and selection process to deter and reject unsuitable contractors. We require evidence of academic certificates. We do not accept testimonials and insist on taking up references prior to placement. We will question the contents of applications if we are unclear about them, we will undertake Disclosure and Barring Service checks were required to do so and use any other means of ensuring we are recruiting and selecting the most suitable contractors to work with Children or Vulnerable Adults.
9.2 We will maintain a record of all safer recruitment checks of our contractors carried out in line with statutory requirements.
9.3 We will ensure that those responsible for recruiting staff have completed appropriate safer recruitment training and that safer recruitment practices are followed in accordance with our statutory requirements.
9.4 For those contractors who have new or historical entries on a received DBS that may raise concerns of a safeguarding nature but not exclude them from being able to undertake their role. This information will be shared with anyone looking to take up the services offered by that contractor, provided consent is obtained.
10.1 Our aim is to provide contractors which will promote the wellbeing of children or vulnerable adults in receipt of any service provided by them. We do, however, recognise that sometimes allegations of abuse are made.
10.2 We recognise that allegations, when they occur, are distressing and difficult for all concerned. We also recognise that some allegations are genuine and that there are individuals who deliberately seek to harm or abuse children or vulnerable adults.
10.3 We will take all possible steps to safeguard vulnerable children and adults and to ensure that contractors provided by our organisation are safe to work with children and vulnerable adults. We will ensure that the procedures outlined by Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 are adhered to and will seek appropriate advice from the Designated Officer for the Local Authority (commonly known as LADO which these procedures will continue to use for ease of reference) where appropriate.
10.4 If an allegation is made or information is received about any contractor who works directly with children that has:
Behaved in a way that has harmed a child or may have harmed a child; Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child.
Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children.
In addition, staff should also alert the Designated Safeguarding Lead if an individual who is working has behaved in a way in their personal life that raises safeguarding concerns. These concerns do not need to directly relate to a child.
10.5 The DSL will seek advice from the LADO where appropriate within one working day. No member of staff will undertake further investigations before receiving advice from the LADO.
10.6 The Designated Safeguarding Lead will assist the relevant LADO with their enquiries in line with statutory guidance and local procedures (where relevant) which may include the sharing of information to safeguard children and vulnerable adults.
10.7 When an allegation relates to a candidate, Teaching Tomorrow Ltd will provide representation at meetings convened and chaired by the LADO or by a Senior Manager from Children’s Services where a candidate is subject to an investigation considered to fall under the relevant Local authority’s complex (organised or multiple) abuse procedures.
10.8 Teaching Tomorrow Ltd will, with advice from the LADO, decide whether an assessment of risk requires any interim measures to be put in place with regards to the supply of the candidate’s services from Teaching Tomorrow Ltd.
10.9 Teaching Tomorrow Ltd will provide support to candidates who are subject to investigations because of an allegation made against them.
10.10 When requested by the LADO under a Local Safeguarding Children’s Board management of allegations’ procedure, Teaching Tomorrow Ltd will assist with the completion of the internal investigation’ cited under that procedure (usually designated to the employer ‘of the member of staff subject to the allegation).
10.11 Teaching Tomorrow Ltd will refer to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) any candidate who has harmed, or poses a risk of harm, to a child. This referral will be made as soon as possible after the cessation of the candidate’s involvement with our organisation.