Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy We continually strive to deliver the highest quality of service possible; however, there may be occasions when our customers have complaints.

How to make a complaint

Any expression of dissatisfaction with our service which needs a response is considered a complaint and will be dealt under this policy. If you ever experience difficulties working with us, please contact the person responsible for your inquiry or your dedicated consultant. We take all feedback seriously and strive to resolve issues within two business days whenever possible. If you would like to make your complaint in writing, you can email the following email address Please mark your complaint for the attention of your dedicated consultant, if the complaint is regarding your consultant, then address your complaint to the Compliance Director. In most cases complaints can be resolved informally over the phone if this is not possible the complaint will be escalated, and a formal process followed as set out below.

  • All formal complaints must be sent to the Compliance Director. If the complaint is regarding the Compliance Director, then another Company Director should be informed.

  • All complaints will be investigated with the relevant parties.

  • Where possible complaints will be dealt with within 48hrs.

  • Complaints will be dealt with within a maximum of 5 working days.

    If it is not possible to give a full response to a complaint within this time due to an ongoing investigation. The complainant will be updated and given a timeframe when they should expect an outcome.

    When a complaint has been made regarding a child’s safety and/or protection, our Staff Member will alert the Compliance Director via telephone. Teaching Tomorrow will not place the temporary worker until the outcome of the investigation is known (the worked will not be intitled to pay during this time). We will take this matter seriously and acknowledge any allegations within 48 hours.

    If the allegation becomes a Child Protection Referral (CPR), we will liaise between the school and worker involved and designated personnel from the Local Authority. Teaching Tomorrow must report cases of serious misconduct relating to child protection to the Independent Safeguarding Authority in accordance with the ISA’s specific referral guidance criteria and referral process.

    If a school reports an incident that is not a child protection reportable (CPR) matter, we will work with them to investigate the circumstances. Before determining whether further work should be awarded to the temporary worker, a risk assessment will be conducted. The client will receive a written follow-up and confirmation of the action taken. We also take complaints about poor work practices seriously and, where COMPLAINTS POLICY 222052023 PP006 appropriate, inform the temporary worker about training and professional development resources available.

    If a worker has multiple complaints filed against them, teaching tomorrow will assess the situation and decide whether to extend employment opportunities. Once this decision is made, the worker will be informed in a timely manner.