Modern Slavery Policy


This policy ensures that modern slavery, as defined by the Act, is prevented within our business and its associated supply chains. We take this duty very seriously and are committed to keeping our obligations in this regard. 

Failure to uphold and enforce this policy could lead to disciplinary action for those responsible. All staff in the recruitment, management and supply of workers must adhere to the outlined regulations. 


This policy applies to Teaching Tomorrow Ltd. 


  • The Modern Slavery Act of 2015 prohibits modern slavery, including servitude, forced labour, and human trafficking. These activities involve some deprivation of a person’s liberty to facilitate personal or commercial gain. Furthermore, it is considered a criminal offence. 

  • We strive for ethical conduct and integrity in all our business dealings, with a no-tolerance policy zeroing in on modern slavery. To practice this, we require stringent business and supply chain controls to thwart potential exploitation. Our recruitment processes are designed to identify any evidence of abuses of the sort. We take prompt action against such cases when identified. 

  • We are committed to adhering to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and taking active measures to prevent human trafficking and slavery within our company and in our supply chain. This statement is an overview of our steps to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations. 

Supply Chain 

At Teaching Tomorrow, we strive to uphold high ethical standards across our supply chain. We partner with external agencies to find the best candidates for each of our clients, and in doing so, we expect that all involved will remain professional and compliant with the law. Furthermore, all our suppliers are encouraged to meet these standards by adhering to the contractual agreements. 


We strongly require that our suppliers abide by the contractual stipulations outlined in the respective Act. A policy should also be established to safeguard the human rights of their team members, suppliers and business partners. Moreover, employees need access to a contract without unfair constraints, ensuring compliance with local legislation. Furthermore, we expect employees to be unencumbered when deciding to work for the company or leave upon reasonable notice. 

Our company ensures that all employees are treated fairly and with the utmost respect. We endeavour to maintain a workplace free from discrimination, victimisation or harassment on any grounds. We also strive to adhere to all applicable laws, industry standards and guidelines protecting employee wages and benefits. We have a zero-tolerance policy for unauthorised deductions of wages. We aim to create an equitable working environment for everyone, regardless of marital status, sex, race, disability, or other protected categories. 

At our company, we comply with all relevant anti-slavery and human trafficking laws, including the Act. We are committed to ensuring no modern slavery or human trafficking within our business operations, internally and across our supply chains and other external relationships. We hold ourselves and our suppliers accountable to the highest standards of ethical business practices. 

Due Diligence 

At Teaching Tomorrow, we commit to preventing slavery and human trafficking seriously. All candidates we supply are thoroughly checked for compliance, and their right to work is verified before any labour is commissioned. We conduct extensive due diligence on our supply chain to guarantee adherence to legislative requirements. Our employees have access to dedicated channels for voicing any concerns about malpractice through either local reporting mechanisms or a specialised whistleblowing procedure. We maintain strict confidentiality regarding employees who truthfully disclose malpractice and will ensure there is no fear of reprisal or retaliation. 


We expect our staff to fully conform to local and national laws in their professional activities. Our policies and procedures give our personnel access to additional resources about topics such as human trafficking, servitude and slavery; moreover, we offer further training on these topics as needed.